SS AFRICAN MERCURY (SSAM) is a New York-based print journal that will appear twice a year. We publish reviews of books, essays on miscellaneous topics and occasional interviews.
This website will feature our latest editorial and links to the articles featured in the journal. On a regular basis we will post a variety of writing, as well as video and audio content that does not appear in the print issue. This new material will appear under the following headings: “Reports” offers short reflections and criticism, “Passages” contains notable excerpts from works of philosophy, history, and political and social thought, occasionally accompanied by brief commentaries, and in “Shards“, audio and visual work.
SSAM was launched in a spirit of schism. It addresses a readership that does not yet exist and so seeks to interpellate its readers into a new politico-intellectual fellowship. Its criticism appeals to the intellect alone. Today some will find the prevailing intellectual level in academia and the political scene—from Left to Right—revoltingly low. SSAM raises a banner and hopes those who feel this way will gather round.
For an annual subscription of $25 (plus S&H), subscribers will receive print copies of the journal, published twice a year, and full access to the journal’s online content. Individual print issues of the journal can be purchased for $15 (plus S&H).